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  • Writer's pictureWill Lerson

Were We Racist Then?

Throughout this nation’s history, we have triumphed repeatedly when challenged. Often during those struggles, we turned to celebrities to help distract us from the trials we experienced. Bing Crosby helped our soldiers that were missing home, with his rendition of White Christmas. The 1980 US Olympic Hockey team helped bring some positivity to an otherwise tumultuous Cold War while our citizens were held hostage in Iran. Professional Football and Baseball showed us we would overcome the attacks on September 11th, when so many of our brothers and sisters perished at the hands of the Islamic terrorists that simultaneously made us question what our World would look like going forward.

These people weren’t heroes in the traditional sense, but their actions were heroic without even realizing it. Of course, all that comforts us and all that is good comes from God. But these individuals surely chipped in. Fast forward to the newest unmanageable period we are currently facing in this country and there are no actors stepping up. No musicians singing us through. No athletes providing a distraction. Instead, they are all fanning the flames, oblivious to or downright disregarding semblance of factual information, hoping to gain approval from their peers or the mob in its place. They can stop already with the empty virtue signaling. They have the means to “make a difference” if they really wanted to. Chances are, they have millions more dollars than you and I combined. Yet, they just cancel games, don a slogan on their uniforms, and call it a day. They’re frauds. Every one of them.

They are hailing criminals and destroying our neighborhoods and for what? George Floyd’s death was tragic, wrong and evil, but someone still needs to prove to me that it was racially motivated. Jacob Blake’s situation is also tragic, but again, I need someone to prove that it was racially motivated. Every one of these situations is sad, but the only commonality I see is that there has never once been any proof that they are racially driven. Why? Because it’s not about “Black Lives Matter.” If it was, then we should be equally upset, if not more, about the Black children, with no criminal record, that fall victim to this type of violence. Do their lives not matter?

So what are we to do? How do we sift through the garbage that is these false narratives being perpetuated daily? All we can do is continue to teach our children the truth. Remind them that, although this country is not immune from fault and imperfections, it is still the greatest country in the world. The only people that “think” that we are a racist nation are the same people that have been duping our minorities into thinking that they are the solution. The Democratic party needs to keep minorities down and out to keep power. They do this with false promises that they’ve been making for decades... pretty much ever since they finally gave up on Segregation. And what did the current president do? He cut Black unemployment in half. Unlike his predecessor, who just so happened to be Black. And how racist could we really be as a nation if we elected that guy twice?

It’s time to wake up and look objectively at the whole picture. Are you going to just believe the lies that are continually jammed down our throats? Or are you going to take a step back, look around, and realize who’s been holding these minorities down all along? I hope you opt for the latter.


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